How to Speak to Millennials about Giving: 3 Easy Steps

As a church leader, the idea of what the Millennial Generation can bring to your ministry may seem out of your comfort zone, or you may be embracing everything that these church goers have to offer. While the specific date range varies depending on the source, the Millennial Generation is considered to consist of people born in the early 1980s through the early 2000s. This social media savvy, digitally-connected group of individuals has the power to help grow your ministry, and it can start with Giving.

Showing Need

Determining your church’s budget for the year can be quite a process, but it means that you have a unique perspective on the needs of your ministry. It is because of this knowledge that you are the best person to explain why a donation or tithe means so much. There are often misconceptions about what giving amounts go toward in a church, and showing why it is needed can help to increase donations. A great place to start, especially when reaching Millennials, is social media. Infographics, blog posts and high-resolution images mapping out what a donation can do for your church are items that are likely to be viewed more or shared. Showing need grabs their attention and opens a door to reaching new donors.

Showing Interest

You already know that being a leader in the church means connecting with your congregation members, and one way to do this is outside of your weekend services. Stopping by a small group, sending a weekly email update or simply following others on social media channels are all ways that you can show interest on a more personal level. Sending an email to your donor list is another simple way to just say thank you. Having a personal touch can help those who donate or tithe to feel more connected to your mission.

Showing Results

The original reasons that you presented to potential donors about funding for your ministry should have regular updates. Millennials will often want to feel like they are a part of something good. Actually showing what their donations have helped to provide is a way to do this. Update your congregation members during your services, or continue to reach them digitally about the exciting work the church is able to do because of their contributions. Remember, the Millennial Generation is full of people who just want to help. Providing easy ways to allow them to do so is important, so Online Giving options are also something your church could use to implement change and growth.

How do you communicate the importance of giving in your church? Let us know in the comments below!