How Can Offering Recurring Giving Benefit Your Church?

As more and more churches continue to adapt to the idea of offering online and mobile giving, many churches are discovering that the use of technology to provide alternative giving methods correlates with increased giving. The notion of giving made easy, and allowing individuals to give more conveniently, has proven to increase overall giving.

Thousands of churches across the country have now bought into the idea of recurring giving, taking convenient giving a step further by allowing givers to set up their own automated giving schedule. It has sense been determined that a recurring giving option is perhaps the most effective way to increase the amount of giving that is occurring at their church.

In fact, most of these churches have found out that the ability to accept automatic, recurring donations has been the most important factor in terms of growing their church from a financial standpoint.
Below we look into a few ways how recurring giving can completely change the outlook of your church’s financial well-being.

Turns the Occasional Giver into a Frequent Contributor.

Recurring giving has continued to prove itself as the single best way to turn the occasional giver into a more frequent contributor. It has also shown that it is a great way to transform a non-giver into an occasional donor. The idea of setting up an automatic schedule in which church members can set up the amount, frequency and duration of their giving is extremely convenient. Online giving providers such as SimpleGive, faithHighway, Elexio and Site Organic provide the automated giving option in which givers can use bank drafts, debit and credit cards to set up their scheduled payments.

Prevent Seasonal Downswings.

The holidays are the busiest time of the year, for both churches and their givers. With church goers traveling to visit family for Christmas, New Year’s, or vacationing for Winter Break, you may be missing out on regular giving due to a decrease in attendance. Allowing members to set up an automatic donation will provide more stability in your seasonal giving as you try to meet your year-end financial goals. This is also very helpful in the summer months, as many vacation while school is out and may miss regular services.

Easier for Churches to Plan their Giving.

One of the better advantages of providing automated, scheduled giving is your church is able to project what donations will be coming in down the road. If you use an online giving provider such as the ones mentioned above, you are able to log in as a manager and see which donors have set up recurring donation schedules. By checking the amount, frequency and duration of their set up schedules, your finance team will have a better idea as to what to expect in the upcoming months. This causes a steadier cash flow and prevents drastic drop-offs or unexpected slumps in giving. By having access to these recurring giving reports, budgeting becomes easier and allows for better planning for future church events.

With scheduled giving being a win-win for both churches and their members, it seems like a no-brainer for churches to take advantage of. Most online giving platforms offer products starting at $0/month and give you the option of allowing recurring giving to your visitors and regular donors. Overall, it is a great suggestion to make to finish up 2015 and start the New Year off on a strong note from a financial standpoint.