Encouraging Summer Giving

Guest post by Reagan Lynn

Summer is here! Vacations, missions trips, vacation Bible schools and summer camps are just a few of the popular summer activities that will fill schedules during these months.

While vacation Bible schools often draw large numbers, overall attendance and giving during the summer generally declines. How can we come alongside our members to help them remain faithful in their generosity during this season?

Come Alongside

You pack up the minivan and head out on a road trip. The drive builds excitement as your family approaches the vacation destination that has been eagerly anticipated for months, and – but wait! You forgot to write and mail your tithe check to the church.

This is sadly a common story for many members. Make an announcement during each summer service to remind donors to ensure their giving goes uninterrupted. Sometimes all that is needed is a friendly reminder.

To make life even easier, offer an online giving option where donors can create repeating or recurring donations. This is a solution that can build consistency in giving levels throughout the entire year and not just during the summer.

Raise Awareness

Does your church offer online giving and / or text giving? If so, are your members and donors even aware? Consistently communicate the ways by which your donors can contribute. Special offerings are great opportunities to leverage text giving to facilitate generosity. Recurring online gifts are perfect for regular weekly or monthly tithes.

Is your online giving option secluded in a remote corner on your church’s website? If so, make it more prominent and ensure that you offer an easy-to-use online giving experience for your members.

There are different ways to raise awareness of the available giving methods. Sunday morning announcements are effective, but don’t limit yourself to one avenue. Mailing out a letter to each member, sending out a mass email, and posting announcements on the church website are all constructive ways to communicate with the church at large.

Position Your Purpose

Visually show the impact that is being made by God using your members as His instruments. Create videos showcasing the ministry being done by the church that is a direct result of your members’ generosity. Examples include videos of mission trips, testimonies of new Christians, and stories of generosity told by families who received much needed assistance in hard times.

Summer won’t be here forever. Fall is right around the corner. Let’s make the most of every season and come alongside our fellow believers now and always!


Reagan Lynn has a passion for helping churches increase ministry effectiveness, specifically through improving visitor follow up and enhancing member engagement. This drives his career, as he partners with churches to implement systems to accomplish exactly those goals. He resides in Tallahassee, FL and enjoys meaningful conversations, competitive tennis and people-watching at Whole Foods.